12 JANUARY 1929, page 18

The Bibliothtque Nationale .

[To. the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—" A. F." does not appear to recognize that the admin- istration of the Bibliothlque was reformed (once' and for all, it would appear) in......

The Rhodes Scholarship Reversed

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sni,---When Cecil Rhodes established the Rhodes Scholarships, he saw that contact between young men during college life affords them an......

Children's Ailments

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] i SIR, —Your contributor " Crusader, in your issue of December 29th, makes the statement, to width I hope you will allow me to oppose one or......

A New Painless Rabbit Trap

[To the Editor Of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—When--about a year ago—I founded the League for the Prohibition of Steel Traps, I realized that before the authorities would finally......