A New Painless Rabbit Trap
[To the Editor Of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—When--about a year ago—I founded the League for the Prohibition of Steel Traps, I realized that before the authorities would finally......
What Is Wrong With British Agriculture ?
[To the Editor of the Ser.cre'roal Sm,—May I ask permission to clarify a statement that appeared recently in the editorial columns of the Spectator, and reply to a remark made......
A New Year Trade Resolution •
[To the Editor of the Seacmayma.] Sia,—The New Year resolution for British Industry suggested by Mr. Wiggins might well be noted by ,the motor industry in particular. Many motor......
Our. Aberdare Fund—points From Lei Ihits A Further...
excerpts from readers' letters about our fund is appended. Many correspondents empress the hope that the money may be spent locally. This week we are glad to include typical......