12 JANUARY 1929, Page 17


[To the Editor Of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—When--about a year ago—I founded the League for the Prohibition of Steel Traps, I realized that before the authorities would finally prohibit the use of steel traps for rabbit catching, a suitable painless substitute would have to be found. While the League actively carried out its Propaganda—which up to date has been eminently successful —we quietly made inquiries about a trap that would effec- tively catch rabbits without inflicting pain, and sell at a Price that would be less than those torturing traps n4Av generally in use: There are traps on the market that kill

rabbits with practically no pain at aff, but these are somewhat complicated and in any case the prices are prohibitive,"to the ordinary trapper at any rate. -

Wire snares are as cruel as steel traps, because a- rabbit caught in one is slowly strangled by its struggles, as bulging eyes show only too well ; those wire snares that -have a ImOt to prevent the noose froni tightening beyond a certain point and.so ehokiiig the rabbit, are equally unsatisfactory,-because the rabbit struggles. frantically until either releaied or exhausted. Bearing theSe pciints in mind, a trap has been evolved that seenis to overcome each and every Objection, ,

it has been tried, certain improvements have beeh made,

and the latest trials have been very encouraging. 'A number of trans are now being made for further trials, and I am anxious that they should be tested as widely as possible, and I wondered if any of your readers who have rabbits on-their land would give' one or even more a trial and report ? If so, will they please Write to nie in due course ? If these traps behave as I hope and believe .that. they will, then at last we are well on the road to end, for all time, the fiendish torture that steel traps inflict on their rabbit victims.

Finally, may I appeal to all your -readers to join the end for the Prohibition of Steel Traps, and so help to end this barbarous practice that has for se long been a blot on our civilization. The minimum annual subscription is ' One shilling,and I shall be very happy to send pamphlets-or answer any questions addressed to me.—I am, Sir, &c.,

R. W. Aueart, Hon. Director.

- League for the Prohibition of Steel Traps,

" penray," Wellesley Road, Cliflonaille; Margate.