12 JANUARY 1929, Page 16

• am glad : to know that the suggestion made by

me of rabbit keeping as one of the new industries which might in some small way help the distressed areas of South Wales has been favourably received by one so well qualified to judge, as your correspondent F. Gertrude Latham. While I men- tioned Belgian hares as suitable for breeding purposes, this was only because' during the War I kept thein and "so had some experience of these. I am more than willing to defer to the judgment of a practical person as regards any other breed that would be more suitable.

Several people who hive read the correspondence in the

Spectator have expressed interest in the suggestion, and I am sure that were the matter taken up by a local committee under the guidance say, of the British Rabbit Fur Society, support would be forthcoming and a start could be made. It is only a little thing, but every little helps and the care of the rabbits would add a great interest inlife to some unemployed miners.

Moore Park, Cardross.

[At.a meeting of the Aberdare Service Committee held on Saturday, to discuss the possibilities. of establishing new local industries; our correspondent's - suggestion was - one of those which received favourable attention. We hope the result. will be fruitful.—Eri. qpectator.]