12 JANUARY 1929, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—In your issue of November 10th, you confidently state that if the " Ten pmind ticket "to Canada were widely adver- tised . . thousands . . would turn their faces to the West." And Commissioner Lamb'a letter declares " they must be sure of a welcome at their destination." Will you , allow me to place the following facts before you for consideration ?

Force of circumstances and economic necessity are driving the farmers of these prairie prOvinces to realize that immi- gration, instead of -solving a problem, tends to accentuate dangerously their present serious economic diffieulties. By orderly marketing, the Wheat Pools.. increased the net price to the grower.. Lately, however, more improved machinery, in addition to reducing the &Maria for hired labour, has also increased the farmer's ability to farm on a larger scale at lower cost. All this has given impetus to the sowing of more and more land to wheat, with the result that this year we are faced with a surplus of wheat on the world's market, and an unprofitable price to the groWer. The facts prove that the one and only safeguard is a short crop at 'a piofitable price.