' The Chinese Government has appointed Mr. Maze Inspector-General of
Maritime. Customs in succession to Mr. Edwardes. He is a nephew of Sir Robert Hart who was Inspector-General _for forty years and built up one of the most efficient administrations in the world. It is at least satisfactory that the Chinese Government . has appointed Mr. Maze in time, for if the post had been left vacant till February 1, when tariff autonomy— that is, the fixing of the duties by the Chinese themselves —will come into force, there would have been chaos. Mr. Edwardes was never supported by the Chinese on' the trivial ground that he was the nominee of Sir Franeis Aglen:iyhoni the Nankiiii GoYernment had dismissed. "-: Everything will depend upon whether Mr. Maze is to be helped or thwarted: Meanwhile Atherica is' sending two financial expeits to' Nanking, one of *horn has resigned the Directorship of the Economic Division of the State Department in order to go. They expect to stay there five years. '
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