12 JANUARY 1929, Page 2

Naturally, Lithuania has accepted with alacrity the invitation to the

peace-parlour, and has agreed to pass it on to her neighbours, knowing perfectly well that her. action will cause considerable embarrassment, for Latvia and Bstonia, though members of the League, are not yet signatories of the Peace Pact. The Polish Government. contemplates " conditional acceptance " of the Russian suggestion, which, like .the Peace Pact itself, may mean little or may mean a great deal, but in any case means nothing at the moment. For,Poland is estopped from common-sense arrangements with Soviet Russia by her undertaking to , suppoit Rumania's claim to Bess- arabia. There is unhappily no indication that Rumania is prepared to renounce the spoils of war for the sake of peace, or even to agree to Russia's repeated request for a plebiscite. Nothing could better illustrate the insidious nature of those special alliances which were concluded under the shield of France in the days when French policy took little account of the existence of the League of Nations.

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