12 JANUARY 1929, Page 21

Shall it be backs or blades ? As long as

the bOat travels, does it Matter that the back is pushed out ? If the probleni be to move the boat, is the natural way or the orthodox way the best way ? Though an oarsman has an eccentric waggle of the elbow, is that to be accounted to him for unrighteousness, if he possesses a terrific' drive ? Though Messrs. F. Brittain and H. B. Playford do not directly pose these questions in their Jesus College Boat Club (Cambridge), which Messrs'. Hefter publish at a guinea, there is yet little doubt which way their opinion lies, and they can point the moral by a formidable series of statistics, which show (inter alia) Jesus eleven times Head of the River between 1909 and 1928. It is not for us to deliver judgment between the fervently held tenets of the two opposing schools—the Jesus _style and the orthodox—but we do not hesitate to say that this account from its birth of the famous J.C.B.C. (which owes so much to the inspiration of the almost immortal " Steve " Fairbaim) will cause all oarsmen to think, as well as form a legitimate source of pride to all Jesus men.