On Tuesday the High Council of the Salvation Arniy meta
at Sunbury-on-Thames. This body has never met. before,and the fact that 63 out of 64 members attended proved the importance of the occasion. Evidently nothing is being done, in a, hurry,-. and there may be no "decision On the .critical question of the Constitution of the Anpy for ,some daYs: An affectionate' message was sent to General. Bramwell Booth, but the respect and affection which he enjoys are not likely to impede the reformers.. If he should stand obdurately on the letter of the present Constitution the reformers apparently will not shrink from what they regard as the painful duty of removing him. The "present Constitution. gives. General Booth unfettered control Over every person in the Army and over 'all its prOPerty.. That is an Obsolete legacy from the methodS of General- William BOoth; the founder -of the Army; who ecimbiried holiness of life with a belief in despotic rule"—ii 'combination "too familiar in the past to be surprising even now. ' General Bramwell' Booth'S sister, Connitunidel Evangeline Booth, who leads the SalVittibri Ariny in America, is among 'the reformers. The public, we imagine, has only One Wish-that" the High Council sheiild be able to 'convince- General Brain; well Booth and reach amicably a decision which will be for the lasting -good-of the Salvation Army. - •
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