12 JANUARY 1929, Page 36

Answers to Questions on London

1. Gray's Inn.-2. Parallel with the Strand, between the churches of St. Clement and St. Mary. In 1901.-3. This is the Isle of Portland, whence comes the stone of which London is largely built.-4. Pall Mall.-5. (a) George Gilbert Scott, (b) Wren, (c) Ralph Knott, (d) Inigo Jones, (e) Adam Brothers. 6. David Copperfield.-7. (a) St. Bride's—Henley, (b) St. Paul's —John Davidson.-8. By thaChelsea Infirmary, in Cale Street. In former times the cartways_ between land-holdings were called " usages."--=, 9. In Hyde Park (Victoria Gate).-10. The Zoo, opened in April, 1828.-11. (a) Surrey Docks, (b) near Blackfriars Bridge.-.I2. At the junction of-Edgware Road and Oxford Street. In 1783.-19. A -highwayman escaped, according- to tradition, by riding through the entrance, and the bars were put to prevent

recurrence of the feat.