MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the fol- lowing for
July :—Part 39 of Picturesque Palestine.—L'Art.—Part of Artists at Home, the portraits of the persons and the pictures of the homes given in the photo-engravings being those of G. F. Watts, R.A. ; W. H. Thornycroft, A.R.A. ; W. F. Yeames, R.A. ; and J. Macwhirter, A.R.A.—Part 1 of an illustrated serial issue of Cassell's Popular Gardening, edited by D. T. Fish.—Part 6 of the illustrated Dictionary of Gardening.—Part 21 of Greater London.—London Quar- terly Review.—Mind.—Modern Review.—The Month.—Antiquarian Magazine.— Science Gossip.— Sanitary Record.— The Zoophilist.— Journal of Education.—Science Monthly.—Nautical Mugazine.—Folk- Lore Journal.—Army and Navy Magazine.—Colburn's United Service Magazine. —Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine.—Time.—Merry England.—Gentletrian's Magazine.—The Theatre, which contains a photographic portrait of Mr. G. R. Sims, and an autobiography. —Belgravia.—London Society and its holiday number.— Cassell' s Magazine, the new serial story in which, by Mr. F. Barrett, will prove interesting and edifying to young people. The holiday number, "Summer Days," is also full of readable and entertaining matter.— Irish Monthly.—Good Words, containing the first of a series of papers on "God's Englishmen," by the Rev. C. W. Stubbs.—Sunday Magazine, in which Mr. E. Garrett commences a new serial story.— Aunt Judy's Magazine.—All the Year Round.—Chan bers's Journal.— Sunday ca Home.—Girl's Own Paper.— The Ladies' Treasury and La Saison, both of which contain some coloured designs for ladies' and children's summer dresses.—The slimmer numbers of the Illustrated London News and the Graphic, the illustrations in which are up to their usual mark of excellence.—Atlantic 3Ionthly.— Victorian Review.