The Cholera Panic Increases In South Europe. The Disease Is
now admitted to be the Asiatic variety, Dr. Koch, the German specialist, in particular announcing, as the result of his autopsies, that there can be no doubt; and the deaths......
The Division Showed 146 For The Second Reading And 205
for Lord Cairns's amendment,—majority against the Bill, 59. The only Bishop who voted against the Bill was the Bishop of Glou- cester and Bristol. Both the Archbishops and the......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury, In A Brief But Very Impressive
speech, declared that the Church trusted the people, and that no Churchmen were so good as the Churchmen who were also work- ing-men. The Lord Chancellor, after pointing out......
M. Ferry On Monday, In Answer To The Deputy From
Cochin China, stated precisely the position of France in regard to China. Captain Fournier had brought home the text of the Treaty of Tientsin, and an Imperial order conveying......
The Fog Is Lifting On The Nile. The Daily News
correspondent at Assouan, who has been most keen and successful in the collec- tion of news which the paper does not like, telegraphs, on. Thursday, a letter received. there......
In The Commons, Mr. Gladstone Made The Same Statement As
to the intentions of the Government ; and said that only the Franchise Bill would be brought forward at the Autumn Session, and that no Redistribution Bill could be produced......
Mr. Goschen Made Some Remarks Strongly Deprecating Any...
towards the Lords, to which Mr. Bright replied that he hoped the country would discuss the question how to prevent the recurrence of these legislative breakdowns ; and he......
A Meeting Of The Liberal Party Was Held At The
Foreign Office on Thursday, at which Mr. Gladstone took the chair. His speech on the action of the Lords dwelt on two great points. One was the entire novelty of the assertion......
Sir Charles Dilke Is The Only Cabinet Minister Who Has
yet addressed a popular meeting on the crisis. He spoke of the Lords on Wednesday to the Liberals of Middlesex in a tone of studied carefulness, but declared that their power of......