Social Problems.*
Ix the first part of this book there is much with which it is possible to agree. Mr. George is the master of a clear and vigor- ous style, and although he looks almost......
Current Literature.
The Magazine of Art. (Cassell and Co.)—The first article in this number is an account of Mr. E. J. Gregory, A.R.A. The portrait of the artist, with the title, "A Look at the......
In Harper's Monthly The Illustrations To "the Nile" May Be
noted as particularly good. The article on " Harrow " is somewhat thin, at least to an English reader, who may be presumed to know some- thing about the famous school, while the......
Sketches Of Bird Life. By James Edmund Harting. (w. H.
Allen and Co.)—Mr. Harting bases his sketches on "twenty years obser- vations of the haunts and habits" of birds. He treats in order of between thirty and forty kinds of birds,......