Tuesday's sitting of the Procedure Committee was said to have
been an exciting one. At the previous sitting, the proposal of the Government to take power to hang up Bills which might be proceeded with in another Session of the same Parliament without beginning de novo, had been carried by a majority of two against Mr. Gladstone and Mr. John Morley. On Tuesday, when Mr. Chamberlain talked of moving an amendment, Mr. John Morley said that he should take no further part in the voting, and, with Mr. Sexton, Mr. Dillon, and Mr. Labouchere, quitted the Committee-room. Mr. Gladstone, Sir W. Harcourt, Mr. Whitbread, and Mr. Dillwyn remained, but declined to vote in the division. Mr. Chamber- lain then moved his amendment, that on the question of thus suspending a Bill, no debate should be allowed ; but Lord Hartington thought this too strong a step, and opposed it, and Mr. Chamberlain's amendment was negatived by six to five votes, Mr. Gladstone and his friends not voting, but leaving the Committee-room till the vote was over, and subsequently returning. The Government resolution on the suspension of Bills, after an amendment by Lord Hartington, which forbade amendments upon it, had been carried, was read a third time, and the Chairman (Mr. Goschen) expressed his intention of drawing up a report, giving reasons for its adoption by the House.