Mr. S.a.intsbury And De Quincey.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—May I ask admission in your paper for a few words P An article by Mr. Saintsbury, in Macmillan's Magazine for June, on "Dc Quincey," has......
A Stork's Self-sacrifice.
1 - TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR!'l SIB, — Your correspondent, "Em Thierfreund," has given a touching instance of parental affection in his letter on "The Self-Sacrifice of......
Mr. Mackonoclue And Mr. Martin.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " EIPECTATOR."1 Sin,—From your review of Mr. Mackonochie's Life, I gather that his biographer has scarcely done justice to the remarkable man who......
Dr. Liddon And Our Lord's Divinity.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." j Sri,—Dr. Liddon is sorry to be unable to notice the letters which appear in the Spectator of July 5th, but he is confined to his bed by a......
THE OLD AND NEW SALONS.—II. BEBNARD.—This is the painter who paints so much of flesh as is firelight, or moonlight, or sealight In the Salon three years ago, it was firelight on......
Quaker Strongholds.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " EPECTATOR:'] Sin,—As the reviewer in your issue of July 5th seems not -entirely satisfied with his own expression of criticism on Miss Stephen's "Quaker......
My Tame Rook.
[To TEE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIB,—The eccentric behaviour of the tame ravens described in your last number appears to be characteristic of their tribe. I have for some......