A COMMENTARY IN AN EASY-CHAIR: ?HE LITERARY POINT OF VIEW-MEANING IN MUSIC AND ART-THE NEW THEORY AND THE OLD. IT is curious how many fine distinctions are made nowadays in......
Tibet And China.
[To Tn5 Enrron, or Tua " BracTATos."] SIB,—Your magazine reviewer, in his kindly notice of my paper on Tibet (in the Contemporary Review) thinks that I have underrated the......
Mr. Mackonoclue And Mr. Martin.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " EIPECTATOR."1 Sin,—From your review of Mr. Mackonochie's Life, I gather that his biographer has scarcely done justice to the remarkable man who......
Letters To The Editor.
IRELAND AND THE LAND BILL. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SpEcTemori.".1 SIR,—When it is admitted on all hands that the Land ques- tion is the main factor in the Irish difficulty, I......
Wesleyan Missionaries In India.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE."] SIR,—In the article in your issue of July 5th on the Indian missionary controversy, you state that I was "apparently an- convinced" that our......