Rambles in the Black Forest. By H. W. Wolff. (Longmans
and Co.)—Mr. Wolff has long known and loved the Black Forest, and no one who has seen as much as he has of it, can help doing so. Mr. Wolff's enthusiasm and acquaintance with the Forest, its scenery, its pleasant people and their customs, make him an interesting and entertaining cicerone. He has thrown, too, some history into his long ramble ; history and legend are of peculiar interest in connection with a people who have altered so little, in some respects, as the inhabitants of the Black Forest. We get a quantity of information about their customs and festivities and so get quite a vivid picture of the life these picturesque people lead. We miss, perhaps, attention to individual characteristics, and cannot help noticing certain infelicities of expression ; otherwise Mr. Wolff's "Rambles" present us with a charming view of what is probably the most quaint and picturesque country and people in modern Europe.