12 JULY 1890, Page 3

Mr. Goschen, who has this week declined an invitation to

contest Central Bradford in the Unionist interest, addressed • a meeting of his constiWents of St. George's, Hanover Square, on Tuesday, and explained to them that the rumours as to

divisions in the Cabinet were all wholly and absolutely without foundation. It was absolutely untrue also that Lord Salisbury had omitted to exercise that personal supervision over the policy of the Government which it was both his right and his duty as Prime Minister to exercise. Mr. Goschen did not deny that the Administration had made mistakes, but very often the mis- takes which were most loudly attributed to them were not the mistakes they had really made, and those which they had really made were not always attributed to them. As to the Licensing Bill, the need for it was caused entirely by the large increase in the yield of the spirit-duties, and it was strictly intended as a Temperance measure. They had thought it very likely they might be attacked by the publicans, but it never occurred to them that they would be attacked by the Temperance party. Mr. Goschen's tone was hopeful, and even confident. For a Chancellor of the Exchequer who, according to Sir W. Harcourt, is just breathing his last, his spirits were almost paradoxically good. But perhaps the explanation may only be that, as Bacon says, "a mind that is fixed upon some- what that is good, doth best avert the dolours of death."