12 MARCH 1910, Page 1


DURING the earlier part of the week it seemed as if the political crisis was to be postponed till after-Easter, and that for the next three weeks little would be done in Parliament but the securing of the necessary Votes in Supply, and the passing of such essential legislation as the Army Bill. On Thursday night, however, one of those sudden and irre- sponsible changes of attitude to which the present Govern- ment are accustoming us took place, with the result that the temperature of politics has once again risen to fever-heat. One would have thought the present financial situation was confused and chaotic enough to satisfy any Administration; but apparently this is not so. On Thursday evening a state- ment was made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer—Mr. Asquith was not in the House, but was keeping an old engage- ment elsewhere—which may be described as a declaration in regard to the financial confusion that " there is plenty more where that came from."