12 MARCH 1910, page 16
Demoralising Books.—the Medical Point Of View.
tTo THE EMTOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Will you allow me, as a member of the medical pro- fession, to thank you for the admirably expressed protest against a demoralising......
Eminent Welshmen.
[To THIS EDITOR OF TUE "SPEOTATOR."1 SIR, — May I add a few names of "eminent Welshmen " to those enumerated by the Rev. W. G. E. Rees and Mr. Alfred Nutt in your last issue P......
A Plea For Comprehension.
LTO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, —You were good enough lately to give insertion to a letter of mine on the vexed question of Prayer-book revision. Will you allow me......