Mr. Balfour, Who With Sir Frederick Banbury Was Enter-...
by the City of London Conservative Association on Friday week, pointed out that the Government had been charged with every kind of tergiversation by their own followers on the......
Turning To The Question Of The Reform Of The House
of Lords, Mr. Balfour remarked that he did not advocate a change because the House of Lords was inefficient, but because it lacked strength. He did not want a better but a......
In The Course Of Thursday Night's Debate The Question Of
the Congo was raised by Sir George White, who for the sake of reform was prepared to take the extreme measure of " bel- ligerent action," and declared that though "he was a man......
Dr. King, Bishop Of Lincoln, Who Issued A Touching Letter
of farewell to his diocese last week, died on Tuesday in his eighty- first year. As chaplain, lecturer, and Principal of Cuddesdon College, as Professor of Pastoral Theology and......
. The London County Council Elections Took Place Last...
when the Progressives made a net gain of nineteen seats. The election for one of the seats in Central Finsbury was at first announced as a tie, but after three recounts it was......
. At Present Ten Ships Of The 'dreadnought ' Type
are in commission, and on April 1st ton more will be under con- struction, two of whiCh—a battleship and a cruiser—will be completed by the end of the coming financial year, and......
The Navy Estimates For 1910.11 Were Issued On Wednesday, And
show a net increase of nearly five and a half millions, or a total of £40,603,700. The numbers required for manning the Fleet are a hundred and thirty-one thousand as against a......
In Answer To A Question Mr. Lloyd George Said On
Tuesday night that " the loss to the revenue of the current financial year resulting from the rejection of the Finance Bill is estimated at approximately £28,500,000." He added......