[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."3 Sin, I trust you will permit me to bring to the notice of your readers the appeal from the heads of the Church of England for Western Canada. No document so forceful has emanated before, so far as I am aware, from the leaders of the Church at home on behalf of one special part of the Empire. Associating themselves with the Archbishop of ' Rapert's Land, the two English Primates call on the Church in the United Kingdom to send to the prairie regions fifty of the best clergy we possess, and to do it for ten years in succession, providing the means at the same time. Every parish in all Canada is at the same time assessing itself for the same purpose. But the help of the Mother Church is indispensable. And in this help from home we are only following the lead of many other denominations who are leaving us far behind in the race. We believe the Anglican Church has its special contribution to make to Canada in these days of enormous development of population. The Archbishop of Canterbury sends his own chaplain, the Rev. W. G. Boyd, and also the Rev. Douglas Ellison, late head of the South African Railway Mission. These two clergy are to form centres round each of which at least ten clergy are to settle, coming into the central house periodically for rest and recreation in the deep sense. The first band starts in April for Edmonton ; the second, somewhat later, for a district nearer Regina. A scheme hunched in so unique a manner deserves support. The management will be in the hands of a Committee appointed by the two Archbishops. Contributions can be sent to the secretary of the Association, 15 Tuft= Street, Westminster.—
I am, Sir, &c., H. H. MONTGOMERY (Bishop).