The Clergy List, 1910. (Kelly's Directories. 12s. 6d. net.)—This periodical
publication continues to be produced with the prompti- tude and care to which we are accustomed. An alphabetical list of the clergy, containing between thirty and forty thousand names, with their present and past preferments, and a list of benefices with incumbents, curates, values (net and gross), and patrons, follow. Then we have details of the Universities, Theological Colleges, .1c., a list of patrons, a catalogue of benefices arranged under ecclesiastical divisions, and finally, particulars of the Scotch, Irish, and Colonial Churches. It is noticeable that increase is to be observed under the last division of the final part. We gather from a somewhat detailed examination of Part I. that the ordinations barely suffice to fill up the vacancies caused by death. In view of the increase of population, this is a disquieting fact.