The Plays of Aeschylus. Translated from a Revised Text by
Walter Headlam, Litt.D., and C. E. S. Headlam, M.A. (George Bell and Sons. 5s.)—This volume is to take its place in "Bohn's Classical Library," and will, we presume, supersede the version which has hitherto represented Aeschylus. It is scarcely necessary to say that it stands on a much higher level. The late Dr. Walter Headlam translated five of the dramas ; the other two have been added by the editor. This indicates sufficiently the quality of the work. Dr. Headlam's work had, indeed, been previously published, and had met with due welcome from the world of scholars. On the two which he had not translated he left at his lamented death many notes. A speciality of this volume is the emendation of the text.