The value of the early spring flowers is supreme. "The golden *years return" with crocus and daffodil ; and &Taw of their value those gardeners are wise who multiply the varieties of first flowers. Let me stress Primula Juliana gloria. It makes a purple carpet worthy of Persia, flowering as profusely as the violet and much more conspicuously. It is curious how the odd and often rather unlovely crossbred primroses and primulas seem to be the most energetic. have one singularly unpleasing plant which has bloomed con- tinuously in the open from mid-December and promises!! bloom for many months more. Juliana has a like precocity, but possesses wide flowers of a rich and satisfying hue. Of primulas and primroses in general, it is not enough realized how easily they are grown from seed. It seems an odd criticism of gardeners, but it is true, that seeds are gre"IY neglected. Many never think of sowing seeds of any plant other than an annual or biennial. Why ?