12 MARCH 1927, page 40
The Sorrow Of Russia
The Reign of Rasputin. Memoirs of M. V. Rodzianko. Intro- ' duction by Sir Bernard Pares. (Philpot. 12s. (3d.) Ii . the tragedy of Imperial Russia could be pictorially pre,......
The Magazines Fotrit Articles In The Nineteenth Century...
Jubilee. The shortest, by "The Editor," is headed by a sonnet of Tennyson's, written fifty years . ago in "this roaring moon of daffodil " for the first number. Sir Francis......
Across Africa By Motor Cape To Cairo. By Stella Court
Treat t, F.R.C.S. Wills a Fore- word by the Earl of Clarendon. (Harrnp. 21s.) "Iv is a matter of taste," says Lord Clarendon, "whether you would prefer to have your car held up......