12 MARCH 1927, page 16
A Free Churchman On Prayer Boo Revision
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sne,—I am honoured by Bishop. Knox's most kindly and courteous letter in reply to my recent article on "The Fn-e Churches and Prayer Book......
The Fasting Coif.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--I think I cOukl, in Iwo 'guesses, nanie the Iles! Institute referred to . by Mr. F. Yeats-Brown in his CC interesting article." However,......
Some Questions . To An Anglo- Catholic [to The Editor
of the SeEcTATon.] . . Sin,— Is it possible through your columns to get some ques- tions answered by the Anglo-Catholics with regard to the Holy Communion ? Their attitude......