(Reviewed by Susan Williams-Ellis, aged eight.) Christabers Fairyland is a
nice book. The story is about a girl called Christabel who went to Fairyland on her paint- brush. The Fairy Queen gave her her dearest wish, which was to have a baby brother or sister of her very own, to teach it to walk, and nurse it. And the fairy that did her wishes got very tired because she didn't want anything more now she'd got her baby.
I like the bit about Uncle Cod's Museum best, I think, but I don't know. And I love the chapter about the wedding of Golliwog and Mug. Over the museum door was written- " UNCLE COD'S MUSEUM. ADMISSION: ONE WORM. SHRIMPS HALF PRICE. COCKLES, MUSSELS AND WHELKS FREE."
I think the bit about the shopwalker is rather clever, and I loved the way his whiskers twirled. I quite agree with Christabel it was a very queer moustache. The bit about Uncle Cod's Museum is rather like Alice in Wonderland. I think.
I like the bit where Noggs goes to see Wowser about the racquet, because I like things about animals, but I wish Wowser didn't wear spectacles, because I don't like animals to wear clothes and things. I think Noggs was a very clever little dog.
I loved the news that was in the Bow-wow News. This is what Noggs put in :—
" LosT.
Lost at or near a seaside place called Yellowsands, a tennis racquet belonging to a young lady named Christabel. Any dog - who knows anything about this article is urgently requested to communicate with Wowser at Hilltop Stables. A substantial reward is offered to the finder."
I love the picture of Noggs which is called "Noggs Leads the Way," because I think Noggs is so very sweet in it. I think I like it as much as Alice in Wonderland.