12 MARCH 1927, Page 3

The Report on the conduct of the late Board of

Guar- dians at Chester,le-Street, Durham, is an astonishing document. It shows the true Communistic spirit at ivork, and the Government would do well to pay more attention to preventing repetitions of the Chester-le- Ireet scandal than to trying to set up statutory barri- ades against Bolshevism. It is much easier and much lore useful to. deal with the particular than with the neral. The truth is that- certain Boards of Guardians ad many of the municipalities have become the happy tinting ground of the Communists. It is there that they C trying to build up their strength, and it is there that hey ought to be checked. The late Guardians at liester-le-Street distributed relief wholesale and without roper inquiry,, and during the coal dispute manipulated he Board so that they shut off all criticism.
