A Library List
HISTORY :-The Growth of Europe Through the Dark Ages. By General Sir Edmund Barrow. (Witherby. 10s. 6d.) The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. V. Athens. (Cambridge University Press. 21s.). . Phases of the Thirties. By William Toynbee. (H. J. Glaisher. Os.) -The Russian Revolution. By Lancelot Lawton. (Mac- millan. 21s.). The Tomb of Tut-ankh-amen. Vol. II. By Howard Carter. (Cassell. 31s. 6d.) A. History of England. Vol. II. By Hilaire Belloc. (Methuen. 15s.) -The Modern Development of City Government. By E. S. Griffith. (Oxford University Press. 2 volumes. 42s.)-Light and Shade in Bygone India. By Lt.-Col.
L. H. Thornton. (Murray. 15s.) •
MISCELLANEOUS :-Settlements and Roads of Scotland. By Grace Meiklejohn. (Oliver and Boyd. 12s. 6d.)-A Botanist in the Amazon Valley. By R. Ruggles Gates.
(Witherby. 7s. 6d.) -The Anatomy of African Misery. By Lord Olivier. (The Hogarth Press. 6s.)- The Minimum Wage. By J. H. Richardson. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)-A Three-Legged Tour in Greece. By Ethel Smyth. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)-The Log of the Grand Turks. By R. E. Peabody. (Duckworth. 12s. 6c1.)---Hours in the Scottish National Gallery. By J. L. Caw. (Duckworth. 3s. 6d.)--Pouter's Guide to the Island of Madeira. Second Edition. (George Philip. 5s. 6d.) The Homeland of English Authors. By E. H.
Hann. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.) Muirhead's Paris and Its Environs. Second Edition. (Macmillan. 14s.)--- Trees. By Macgregor Skene. (Williams and Norgate. 2s.)-Motors and Motoring. By E. T. Brown. (Williams and Norgatc. 2s.) RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY :-Church and Parson in England. By The Rt. Rev. H. Hensley Henson. (Hodder and Stoughton. 5s.) The Bible of Jesus. By W. M. Grant: (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.) The Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Introduction and Notes by H. L.
Goudge. (Methuen. 12s. 6d.) The God of Love. By the Rev. E. Walden (Williams and Norgate. 5s.)----- The Faith of the Roman Church. By C. C. Martindale. (Methuen. 5s.).--The Divinity in Man. By J. W. Graham. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.)--The Nature of Deity. By J. E. Turner. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.) LITERARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL :--A Milton Handbook. By J. H. Hanford. (Bell. Os.)--Chaucer. By G. H. Cowling. (Methuen. Os.) Scarlet and Black. By Stendhal. Translated by C. K. Scott Monciieff. (Chatto and Windus. Two Vols. 7s. 6d. each)-- Hogarth Essays. By E. Sackville West, Robert Graves, and Leonard Woolf. (Hogarth Press. 2s. 6d. each.) By Charles Mauron. (Hogarth Press. 3s. 6d.)-- Beethoven. By Harvey Grace. (Kegan Paul. 7s. (hd.) -The Oldest Biography of Spinoza. Edited by A. Wolf. (Allen and Unwin. 6s.) Life and Work of Sir Patrick Manson. By Dr. Manson-I3ahr and Lt.-Col. Alcock. (Cassell. 16s.) NOVELS :-Lucky Numbers. By Montague-Glass. (Heinemann. 7s. (kl.) Cut Flowers. By Oliver Onions. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.)---Mearham By W. L. Buxton. (Longmans. 7s. fkl..)---Flying . Buttresses. By Christopher Stone. (Philpot. 7s. 6d.) The Spanish Farm Trilogy. By R. H. Mottram. New Edition. (Chatto and Windus. 7s. 6d.)-Wind of Dawn. By Ella MacMahon: (The Bodley Head.
. _ 7s. Oct) • •