The Week's Special Broadcasts
Sunday, March 13th.:—Service relayed from St. Martin-in-the. Fields. Address by the Rev. W. P. G. McCormick (8.15 p.m.). Daily.—The Foundations of -Music : "The Sonatas of Mozart" (7.15 p.m.).
Monday, March 14th.—Debate between Dr. Cyril Norwood, Headmaster of Harrow-, and Mr. R. F. Cholmeley, Headmaster of Owen's School, Islington, on Boarding 0. Day Schools; the Rt. Hon. Charles Trevelya.n, M.P., in the Chair (9.15 p.m.).
Tuesday, March 15th.—Dr. Saleeby on "How to Greet the Spring" (7 p.m.). Mr. Edward Cressy—" The Growth of Industry" (7.25 p.m.). Sir Watford Davies—" Beethoven" (9.15 p.m.). Wednesday, March 160:L.—Mrs, K. Wauchope MacIver- " Citizenship in Practice" (3.45 p.m.). Principal C. Grant Robert- son=" Warren Hastings" (7,25 p.m.). St. Patrick's Eve Concert (7.45 p.m.).
Thursday, March 17th.—Evensong, relayed from Westminster Abbey (3 p.m.). Rev. W. H. Elliott—" On Imagining Things" (3.45 p.m.). An Eye-Witness Account of the Ladies London Golf Foursome at Addington, by Miss E. E. Reline (6.45 p.m.). Mr. W. P. Pycraft--" Nature's Camouflage" (7.25 p.m.). B.B.C. National Concert, relayed from the Royal Albert Hall (8 p.m.).
Friday, March 18th.—Professor H. B. Charlton—" Poetry and the Plain Man" (7.25 p.m.). Compositions by Armstrong Gibbs-- The Wireless Symphony Orchestra, with Muriel Herbert and Arthur Cranmer, conducted by the composer (10 p.m.).