This Week in London
Sunday, March 13th, at 11 a.m. SPINOZA. By Professor S. Alexander. At the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, 28 St. John's Wood Road.
Tuesday, March 15th, at 8.15 p.m. NATURALISM AND VALUE. By Prof. S. Alexander. At the Royal Society of Arts, IS John Street, Adelphi. Wednesday, March lath, at 5 p.m. REMBRA NDT AND CONTEMPORAILIES. By Professor A. M. Hind. At the Rudolf Steiner Hall, 33 Park Road, N.W. 1. Ticket I5s. for the course of four lectures or 5s. each lecture from the Rudolf Steiner Hall. Also, at 8 p.m. HISTORY BY ExcAvAmorr. By Dr. R. E. Mortimer Wheeler. At the Royal Society of Arta, John Street, Adelphi. Also, at 8.15 p.m. SOCIALISM, PACIFISM, INTERNATIONAL, A N D SUBVERSIVE MOVEMENTS. By MIN. Nesta Webster. At Chelsea Town Hall.
Thursday, March 17th, at 5 p.m. SOME MINOR EXCELLENCIES OF DICKENS. By Dr. Montague James. At 40 Upper Grosvenor Street. Tickets from Miss Harley Bacon, 7 Hobart Place, S.W. 1. Also at 8 p.m. POPULAR FALLACIES CONNECTED WITH BIRTH. CONTROL. By Mr. A. S. E. Ackermann. At Essex Hall, Strand. Also, at 8.15 p.m. READING AND POLITICS. By Professor Harold J. Laski. At the Mortimer Hall, 93 Mortimer Street, %V. I. Tickets from Maurice Marston, National Book Council, 3() Little Russell Street, W.C. 1.