The debate on Wednesday on a Bill for closing public-houses
in Ireland on Saturday nights, otherwise unimportant, was noteworthy on account of Mr. Parnell's attitude. Many of his followers supported the Bill, but he, though an avowed friend of temperance, opposed it, on the ground that such a Bill should only be passed by an Irish and representative authority. That is a sensible argument enough from his point of view ; but then, why is he not consistent, but even pro- poses in Parliament Land Bills which are purely Irish ? The Government, moreover, never introduces a Bill containing a grant for Ireland but the Irish Members jump at it, and it passes often almost undiscussed. If Parliament has moral authority to pass a Bill remitting arrears due by Irish tenants to Irish landlords—which no Parnellite dreams of questioning, —it has surely the same authority to regulate the selling- hours of public-houses. We cannot ourselves agree in prin- ciple to any legislation which treats grown men as children ; but if it is wise to stop liquor-selling at any time, it is wise to -stop it just when the pockets of wage-receivers, and of them only, are fullest of cash.