Articles Bearing Such A Title As "london As A Literary
Centre" are generally to be shunned ; but we are bound to say that Mr. B. D. Bowker (an American, we presume), who treats of this subject in the new number of Harper's Magazine,......
There Is Enough To Marvel At In The History Of
the young lady who gives her name to Marvel, by the Author of "Molly Bawn " (Ward and Downey),—so much, indeed, as fully to justify the title. Not every night is a baby-girl......
St. Nicholas Looks As If It Were Going To Hold
its own against its numerous and formidable rivals. There is hardly an unreadable page in the May number, and some of the illustrations are almost superb.......
Readers Of Books, Which They Are Learning Not To Despise
as un- practical. Here is a work which, we are sure, they may study with profit. Take, for instance, this axiom :—" The injury wrought by the robbery of a grain of corn is far......
The Editor Of The Westminster Review Has Shown In Recent
numbers a commendable tendency to admit articles on out-of-the-way subjects ; and so in the May number we have papers on "The Natives of the Solomon Islands," "Tramps, Mediteval......
The May Number Of Belgravia Contains But One Really Good
short story—" Thirst : an Ocean Incident," by Mr. Clark Russell—the tragic interest and grim humour of which are in the best sense notable. Some of the other stories, such as "......
Given A Good Specimen Of Boisgobey's Writings (" La Main
Coupee," for instance), and he is amusing enough for once or twice, notwithstanding the sameness which makes one very soon weary of him. But The Cat's - Eye Ring, by F. du......
The Icelandic Discoveries Of America. By Marie A. Brown....
and Co.)—Miss Brown thinks that the time is come to "proclaim the fact of the Norse discovery, and denounce the Columbian one as a deliberate fraud of the Church, devised for......