12 MAY 1888, page 1

It Is Probable, Though Not Certain, That The Strong Appre-

hensions entertained in Bulgaria and at Constantinople, where they have just ordered Adrianople to be fortified, may be well founded. Everything depends upon the Czar's......

After Disposing Of His Dealings With Lord Carnarvon, Mr....

entered on the subject of the Papal rescript which has recently condemned the" Plan of Campaign" and "Boycotting." On the latter subject he was severely silent,—for it was hc......

Mr. Parnell's Speech Was Divided Into Two Principal...

the first, he went back into the history of his negotiations with Lord Carnarvon, and maintained that Lord Carnarvon's interview with the late Mr. Dwyer Gray in 1885, and his......

News Of The Week.

T HE Eighty Club,—purged from what it once was,—enter- tained Mr. Parnell on Tuesday, and strove to do him the utmost honour. Mr. Haldane, M.P., took the chair, and repented on......

There Is Only One Change In The Situation In Eastern

Europe, but that is very marked. The Government of Sofia perceives, from indications not perceptible in the West, that the storm is approaching nearer, and, becomes much more......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
