ITo THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Will you permit me to point out a slight inaccuracy in the article on" Animals in Rain" in the Spectator of November 5th ? It is so rarely happens that errors appear in your paper, that I feel sure it must be due to a clerical error on the part of the writer of the article. In it the pandanus is described as a fern. The pandanus, or screw-pine, as it is commonly called, resembles a palm, and belongs to quite a different group to that to which ferns belong ; in fact, the difference is so great between a pandanus and a fern, that no one at all acquainted with botany could have classed them together.—I am, Sir, &c.
T. B.
The line should have run, "leaves of pandanus, or large ferns."—En. Spectator.]