HORACE, BOOK Ill., ODE 11. BY SIR STEPHEN E. DE VERE. I. MERCURY, by whose magic song Amphion drew the rocks along To wall his Thebes, thou too, sweet lute, Unheeded once, or......
The Pandanus.
ITo THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Will you permit me to point out a slight inaccuracy in the article on" Animals in Rain" in the Spectator of November 5th ? It is so......
MISS JEWSBURY'S LETTERS.* "I NEVER keep my private letters," wrote Miss Jewsbury, "having the fear of a coroner's inquest before my eyes. and a great horror of all executors who......
Light In The Egyptian Tombs.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Your correspondent, who signs himself "A Profes- sional," thinks,—(1), that a fire-blaze in an Egyptian tomb would leave only a "fringe......