Wilfrid Clifford. By Edith C. Kenyon. (w. And R. Chambers.)
—Although Wilfrid Clifford has the misfortune—or what is commonly accounted the misfortune—to be a "sequel," it is happily all compact, and its author has certainly written......
The Hot Swamp. By R. M. Ballantyne. (nisbet.)—mr. Ballan-...
is not quite so successful here as he is in most of his stories. He is obviously weighted with the historical costume which he dons for the occasion, and which is that of "Old......
The Story Of Watt And Stephenson. (w. And R. Chambers.)-
- This "story" with all its results, as seen in the commercial life of the civilised world to-day, has often, of course, been told, yet never so succinctly or with so little......
Cossack And Czar. By David Ker. (w. And R. Chambers.)—
This is an attempt, and, on the whole, a successful attempt, to reintroduce into fiction for boys, the familiar historic figures of Peter the Great, Charles of Sweden, and......
/da's Mistake. By "v. G. F." (digby, Long, And Co.)—in
Ida's Mistake we have a lively picture of family life, with the quarrels, misunderstandings, trials, sunshine, and cloud, that go to make up life in the best regulated families.......
The Capture Of A Cruiser. By C. J. Hyne. (blackie.) — This
book contains a number of delightfully improbable adventures of boys, and is full of salt-water and the whizz of bullets. Two lads, answering to the names of Bathurst and......
Moor And Moss. By Mary H. Debenham. (national Society's...
is a very skilfully planned and interesting - story of Border life, religion, and reiving, by a now thoroughly - experienced writer. The reader must find out for himself how an......
A Rough Road. By Mrs. E. Linnaeus Banks. (blackie.)—this Is
a good little story of the unmistakably didactic sort, which recalls —though not too often or in too striking a manner—the legend of the industrious and the idle apprentice. It......
Mr. Hollyer's Photographs.*
THERE has been open for some weeks an exhibition of the well-known photographs by Mr. Frederick Hollyer, after pictures by Mr. Borne-Jones and others, and the volume before us......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. The Story of Nelson and Wellington. (W. and R. Chambers.)— These brief biographies are favourably distinguished by good taste and lucidity of narrative. Thus, what......