Moor and Moss. By Mary H. Debenham. (National Society's Depository.)—This
is a very skilfully planned and interesting- story of Border life, religion, and reiving, by a now thoroughly- experienced writer. The reader must find out for himself how an Anglo-Scotch feud of the days of Northern Armstrongs and Southern Musgraves is brought to an end, and how Sir Nigel of Birkhope twice carries off the English Sybil. It must suffice here- to say that the fighting and the foraying—so much of them as we have in Moor and Moss—are admirably done ; that the adventures and tragic yet Christian death of the poor gipsy lad, Randal, give the story precisely that touch of pathos which it needed ; and that never has the wildly daring yet essentially kind and good- natured moss-trooper been better portrayed than in Kirstie Armstrong.