The net produce of the revenue for the year ended
on the 10th instant, exceeds the receipts of 1838 by 1,441,132/. Repayments of advances and " other monies" raise the excess to 1,713,9711.; but these accidental receipts must not be put down as ordinary in- come. On the quarter there is an increase of 240,699/. over the corresponding period of 1838.
For the year ended 10th of October 1836, the "total
ordinary revenue" was £44,460,809 The same for 1837 '42,070,222 The same for 1838 42,654,549 The same for 1839 44,086,681
It thus appears, that notwithstanding bad harvests and crippled commerce, the revenue, aided by the continual increase of popula- tion, is creeping up to the point it reached in 1836. This is so far consolatory. But then conies the reflection, that the expenditure of the present year must far exceed that of 1836; and that the financial condition of the country in reference to the means of pay- ing demands upon the Exchequer, is more discouraging than per- haps at any previous period since the peace.