12 OCTOBER 1839, page 15

Polish And American Corn.

MANY persons on both sides of the Atlantic indulge the expecta- tion, that a considerable quantity of American wheat will be im- ported into England, for which manufactures will......

The Exchequer And Its Jobs.

tINSATISTIED with five elaborate articles on the subject of the " Exchequer job," the Globe returned to the topic on Monday last ; professing to reply to the Spectator of......

Although We Have Said As Little About The Six Articles

of the Globe as the Six Articles said about the Exchequer, it does not follow that they are unworthy of notice : on the contrary, they are rich in their way. They display the......

Scottish Revivals.

PERIODS of strong political excitement—periods of constitutional transformations—are generally noted to be at the same time, periods marked by fanatical display. The same causes......