It Is Doubtful Whether The Majority Of The Spanish Cortes
will accept the bill offered by the Government for the preservation of the Basque fueros. If the measure be rejected, it is said that the Cortes will be immediately dissolved. A......
Silt James Clark's Statement Of The Case Of The Late
LADS' FLORA HASTINGS. So long as the accusations brought against me, in reference to the case of the late Lady Flora Hastings, continued to be either anonymous or unauthorized,......
Be Court.
ON Thursday afternoon, Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg, accompanied by his elder brother the hereditary Prince, arrived off the Tower, in the steam-ship Antwerp. Two of the Queen's......
The Question Of Electoral Reform Has Caused Divisions In The
ranks of the Liberal Opposition in France. At first there was a seeming agreement. All were for " Reform ; " but when details were considered, and specific changes were to be......
Disturbances Of A Serious Nature Occurred In Ghent On The
night of the 1st instant. There bad been4or some days previously an uneasy feeling in the place ; and a disposition to turbulence was manifested by a large number of......