The Greenwich appointment is not the only Naval job of
the day. The most valuable appointment a Captain can hold is the command of a first-rate ; and though Admirals are permitted, by the courtesy of the service, to appoint their own Captains, a sense of propriety dictates that the selection should be made from the seniors on the list ; and we be- lieve this rule was once laid down by the Admiralty, if it be not still in force. Now Admiral Sir Robert Otway. though generally heard of as being in personal attendance on the Queen, is Commander-in-Chief at the Nore, and his flag flies on board the Howe, 120 guns. He nominated for his Captain, in 183:3, Charles Henry Paget, the Marquis of Anglesey's nephew, who attained the rank of Captain only in 1829. Within the last few weeks, Captain Paget has resigned ; and his suc- cessor is Lord Clarence Paget, son to Lord Anglesey, whose commission as Captain bears date on the 26th of March in the present year; and thus, a Captain of semen months standing, and of the mature age of twenty- eight, succeeds his cousin in the command of one of the very largest Ships in the British Navy !