Abstract of the Not Produce of the Revenue of Great
Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 10th October 1838 and 1839, showing the Increase or Decrease on each head. thereof.
3,416,521 1.391,837 23,869
Wit 1
372,135 126,004 5,426,833 5,964,819 1839.
3,409,271 1,409,975 27,794 96,L70 332,291 230,761
6,092,556 3,990,059 4,115,757 1,751,476 328,045 410,000 65.000 8.376 28,424 194,524 11,369,218 230,000 11 599,218 4,934,752 4,133,334 1,699,724 311,288 407,000 40,000 17,654 91,926
1839. Citstoms Litchi) Stamps Taxes POSt.Office Crown Lands Miscellaneous 'Total Ordinary 'Revenue tteprest and other Monies ReTavmente of Advances for Puildielfforks Total Income Deduct Decrease
tàcrsss. on the Year YEARS ENDED ourourat 10th
1838, 1839. Increase. Decrease.
4 18 823,619 11,827,788 6.636,204 3,617,157 1,536,000 130,000 44,781
X 19,915,296 12,152,171 6,508,523 3.713,784 1,533,000
160,000 103,907 X 1,091,677 324,313
t,6. 27 .... 30,000 59,126
X • • • •
1277.,Eii 1
3,006 ....
42,645,549 481,966 501.162 44,036,631 499,964 755,0(9 1,571,831 17,998 251,841 130,681 • • • • ....
43,628,683 45,342,854 1,844.652 130,681 130,681
• • • • Customs Excise
TRxes 1'001140111cm
flown Lands
Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue
Imprest and other Monies Relpnyments of Adyatices fur
Public Works Total Income 'Deduct Decrease QUARTERS ENDLD OCTOBER 10th 1838. 1839. Increase. Decrease.
5,469,271 4,693,959 1,751,476 328,045 410.000 65,000 8,376
5,778,006 4,113,159 1,699,724 311,283 407,000 40,000 17,654 308,725 19,210
•• ••
' 9,278 337.213 13,002 39,521 I, ! .5.1.1752
16,762 3.000 25,000 12,126,127 24,424 194.529 12,366,826 41,426 234,045 96,514 12,349,075 12,642,297 389,736 96,514 96,514 I
Increase on the Quarter 293,222 ••••
Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 10th October 1833 and 1839.
INCOME. 1838.
Excise Stamps Taxes Post-oftice Crown Lands MiSeellaneens Imprest and other Moneys Repayment of Advances •
To Cash brought to this Account from Truland to be up• plied to pay off Deticiene:: Bills 10,891,652
10,891,652 CHARGE.
Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund Sinking Fund Civil List
Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund Charge on account of Advances, the repayments of which
are carried to Consolidated Fund Total Charge Surplus ' 10,891,652 11,599,218 Amount of Exchequer Bills Issued to meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter elided 5th July; 1839, and paid off but of the growing Produce of that
Fund for the Quarter ended 10th October 1839 1 44. 7,893,952 Amount issued in the Quarter ended 10th October 1839,M,
part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Con solidated Fund, fur Supply Services • 3,016,972 .... The Surplus of the Consulideind Eitutt Quarter ended 10th October 1939 ' 6,092,556 , 3,076484 The Probable Amount of Etchermei Bills required to Meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fiend, Quiticter coded 10th October 1839 4,818,368