The Bishop of Exeter held his triennial visitation at Honiton
on Monday. Ile delivered an eloquent charge to the clergy, not forgetting a reprimand intended for the disobedient Mr. head. That gentleman loudly "protested" against the doctrines laid down in the charge ; but Dr. Phillpotts hurried out of the church without hearing him. After- -wards he sent for Mr. Read to a tavern, where the Bishop and clergy were Ong to have a jollification. The Bishop asked Mr. Head for his in protest S" but Mr. head declared that he would not discuss in tavern subjects which the Bishop refused to consider in the house of God. Mr. Head published his protest in the newspapers; and a very mystical, long-winded affair it is—covering about two columns of the Morning Chronicle.
On Friday, the Amphitheatre at Liverpool was crowded with zealous Protestants, eager to bear Popery denounced by the Reverend Messieurs Mortimer O'Sullivan, Ilugh•O'Neile, Wright of Demerara, and thirty other clergymen.