John Mantle, a Coast 'Guardsman of Weymouth, has been most
handsomely rewarded for his intrepidity in rescuing the captain of a French vessel and two hots fru:., a wreck in Weymouth Bay. The Royal Humane Society of NVeytuoinh gave hint a silver medal and 51.; the Committee of Lloyd's, a bronze medal and 51; the inhabitants of Weymouth, a snatch ; the Lords of the Treasury, 20/. ; Shipwreck As- sume:ion, 5/. ; which, he has been promoted in the Coast Guard service, and promiesd a gold medal from the French Government. Vir- tue, it seems, sometimes meets with a recompense even in this ungrate- ful world.
Front the general absence of demand, and the want of remunerating prices, many spinners and manufacturers (in Manchester and the neigh- bourhood) are again talking of working short time ; and the probability is, that unless some unforeseen improvement should arise, a large num- ber of the mills in the neighbourhood will be worked only during the hours of daylight for a considerable part of the coining winter.—Maa- dater Guardian.