The Setedard last night. it the coarse of some eausaie
remarks on Admiral Fleming's appointment. mentions one exploit of his which ought not to be forgotten, While at Gibraltar, the Admiral "had ac- tually the audacity to cut away the tranout-beams of the Bulwark, the splendid ship lie commanded. for the purpose of enabling him to intro- duce into his state-cabin the luxury of Fren,d, windows. For this piece of folly and impudence lie was mulcted of his half-pay until the ex- pense of restoring the ship to its ibriner condititm was fully liquidated. Be was not, we believe, employed again by the Tories."
men received at the Royal Dockyard at Chatham, to Orders have I
build, without delay, two SO gun line-of-battle ships, to be called the Mejestie and the Mars.
We regret to learn that our fleet in the Dardanelles has been badly provided with fresh provisions, owing to :mine neglect in the Commissa- riat.—Morning Post.