A strong sensation has been caused at Lisbon by a
murder committed in a private house, and in the centre of the most populous part of the city. A lady, two grown-up daughters, and son, lately returned from Angola, were found on the subsequent day in the supper-room, the former barbarously, strangled, and the latter with his throat cut, and much mutilated. The servant man had disappeared, supposed to be an accessory, and by whose means the assassins, it was thought, must have had access through the stable. However, they succeeded in, stealing only a few silver forks; their object being to break open a, strong iron chest,iir Whieb-Witi deposited a_larie;Stuw. of inOileY.1 Nit- 4 4111,701— ttect .disi tithed them, when they:decamped without effecting.; tiseir,pt. pose. This was the third. nturder of a similar kind that has talteaplaee in.six iruonths, within 100 yards of each 'others_ In a postscript to it private letter that we have seen, it is stated that themurderers had bese traced,. and that eight out of thirteen accomplices !had. been :secured..
Courier. • •
There sprang up some years since, it is not known how, same doubts as to the birth of the Princess Mary of Hesse Darmstadt—thitibta which, had effect even on the mind of her father, and alienated Somewhat flog his affections his lovely daughter, now not more than fifteen., Hence, when the heir to the Russian throne undertook his pilgrimage in search of a wife through Germany, to review the young Princesses of the merous Sovereign families, the name of the Princess of Hesse Darm- stadt was omitted on his list. After having travelled from principality to principality in search of beauty—dark and fair—the Hereditary Prince reached Hesse Darmstadt, pleased to repose in a court which contained, as it appeared from his list, no marriageable Princess. At it court circle, after the presentations were over, the Grand Duke suddenly remarked in the corner of the saloon, a young lady clothed in simpla white, and, like a Cinderella, unnoticed. The Russian Prince inquired of the Grand Duke who she was; and his Royal Highness replied, With some embarrassment, that it was his sdaughter, the Princess Nary: The Russian Prince, struck with the beauty and simplicity of the Prin- cess, instantly went up and accosted her ; and in a few hours was ena- moured enough to despatch a courier to St. Petersburg, to say. that his choke was irrevocably made.—Courrier Francais. 'rime camp at Borodino has broken up. The troops commenced their march to quarters on the 15th. A portion of them, amounting tO 65,000 men, were to proceed to the Southern Governments, and to form the grand reserve of the Army of the South. The Commerce publishes a letter, dated Moscow the 16th of Septem- ber, which announces the return of the Emperor to that city from the camp of Borodino. On arriving at the gates of Moscow, lilt Majesty was received by the Governor-General, Prince Galitzin ; who addressed him in the usual congratulatory style. When he had concluded, the Emperor took the Duke de Leuelitenberg. by the hand, and said to the Governor—" I enter Moscow with the son of the adopted son of the great Napoleon." Then turning towards General Klein Michel, he added —" The Bonapartes and Romanoffs may well be excellent friends. Both the one and the other have for their object the grandeur and glory of their respective cou.ntries."