At present all idea of working on the grand scheme
by which France wastO hate 1,023 leagues of railway communication is abandoned, and the utmost that is hoped for are a few great lines. By the original Go- vernment scheme there were to be—
Paris to the Mediterranean by Lyons and Marseilles 220 Communicating with inland, Belgium, and the Rhenish
Provinces 109 With Spain by Bordeaux and Bayonet., with a branch to
Nantes 247 With Guernsey by Cherbourg 116
With the sea', by Rotten and Havre 49
From the Mediterraimean to the North Sea or from Marseilles
to Lauterbourg, hr Lyons, Basle, and Sea, 148 Bourdeaux to MOzseilles 134
Total 1,023
It is now proposed to make the following ; and it is probable that the report of the Committee will be in that sense— Paris to Troyes 43
Marseilles to Beaucaire 25 Paris to the coast for England, Belgium, and the Rhenish
Provinces 109
Chatillerault to Bordeaux 68 Bordeaux to Bayonne 50 Paris to liavre 49
St. Symphorien to Mulhausen 51 Montpellier to Nismes 13
Total 406
And in order that there may be a better general communication throughout France, it is suggested that the rivers should be rendered more navigable, and canals be cut upon which steamers could ply, adopting a similar means of conveyance upon those which exist. I do not believe that even this diminished scheme will be carried into effect ;
for the French public do not readily invest money in great under- takings upon which, at the best, only 5 or 6 per cent. interest is to be gained ; and there is great difference of opinion in the Chamber of Deputies as to whether railways shall be made at the expense of the State.—Paris Correspondent of the Globe.