£15,060 The Governor and Chaplains receive half-pay in addition to their salaries ; and with the exception of four clerks, all the officers seem to have apartments and allowances for coals, &e.
FrOFrontthe above statement, (for which the Sew Navy List supplied the materials,) it will be seen that Greenwich Hospital is a nest of sme- curism, and that the chicfs in all the departments can have little or nothing to do. •
Governor Salary, £1,500 a year Lieutenant-G. overnor 800 Four Captains 1,700 Eight Lieutenants 1,890 Two Chaplains , 600 Physician 600 Assistant to Physician 400 Surgeon 500 Five Assistant-Surgeons 1,000 Dispenser 300
Ti tree Commissioners
1,800 Secretary 500 Clerk to Secretary 300 Cashier 500 Clerk to Cashier 390 Steward 500 Clerk to Steward 390 Clerk of the Cheque 500 Clerk to Clerk of the Cheque 390 Architect 200 Clerk of the Works 300